
Feedback on our publication on Transgenic calcium sensors

Article in the Webmagazine of the University of Trento in English and Italian


Fluorescent protein sheds light on bee brains -

ll cervello delle api ha meno segreti - Il Trentino

"Una proteina fluorescente per far luce sul cervello delle api", la ricerca UniTn: "Un 'sensore' che ha permesso di studiare l'olfatto di questi insetti" - Il Dolomiti

Una proteina fluorescente per far luce sul cervello delle api - l'Adigetto

Forscher blicken ins Gehirn von Honigbienen - Bienen Nachrichten

Une protéine fluorescente éclaire le cerveau des abeilles - Actualité

Биологи смогли заставить мозг пчел светиться при работе - Gazeta

Feedback on our article on a new role of pheromones

Article in the Webmagazine of the University of Firenze, our main collaborator in this project

Article in the Webmagazine of the University of Trento in Italian and English



The didactic project “MELLIS” 

The project on the importance of honeybee for environment and society at the primary school "De Gasperi" di Sardagna that was supported by several members of our project STEFANIE, first and foremost Paolo Fontana, received broad feedback and support (21/05/2020):

"Salviamo le api per salvare noi stessi": la scuola di Sardagna lancia un appello a tutela della biodiversità – il Dolomiti

I bimbi di Sardagna: «Salviamo le api per salvare noi stessi» - l’Adige

Giornata mondiale delle api: gli alunni di Sardagna in videoconferenza - La voce del Trentino

Some of the media coverage of our collaborative project STEFANIE on neonicotinoid pesticide impact on the honeybee brain

The Web magazine of the University of Trento published a feature that summarized the outcome of this project

Disappearing insect populations: Why bother and what to do against it.

Il declino delle popolazioni di insetti: Perché è preoccupante e come intervenire.

TV documentary "The last bee" -"L'ultima Ape" shows our work on pesticide influence

The public television show “Presadiretta” on RAI3 transmitted a feature "The last bee" -  “L'ultima Ape – Italia St 2019/20 102 min” for which they visited the laboratories at UNITRENTO and which showed our research methods and reported the results obtained within this project (03/02/2020), Trailer:

Sites picking up our Pesticide review article

Fears for bees as US set to extend use of toxic pesticides that paralyse insects - The Guardian

The EPA May Extend the Use of Pesticides that Paralyze Bees - Wired



Article on the BRANDY initiative and its 1st summerschool

Studying the Neuronal network dynamics

Studiare le dinamiche delle reti cerebrali 

Feedback on our Article on Latency coding

Editorial in Journal of Neuroscience by Teresa Esch  

Interview with the Association of Italian physics students (AISF) on Quantum biology (in Italian)

L’olfatto quantistico delle api

Feedback on our Review article on Molecular recognition in olfaction


The vibrational theory of olfaction for the win -

Attention score of our publication on Impuritiy contribution to odour code



Reports on our publication on pesticide-impared odour distinguishably


Unitrento: "Insetticidi killer responsabili della moria di api" - La Repubblica

I pesticidi all'origine del declino delle api - L'Adige

Api minacciate da pesticidi più comuni in agricoltura - ANSA

Ricerca: UniTrento, insetticidi killer responsabili moria di api - Panorama

Ricerca: UniTrento, insetticidi killer responsabili moria di api - La Sicilia

I neonicotinoidi mettono in pericolo l’olfatto delle api - Galileo

I neonicotinoidi riducono olfatto, memoria e senso dell’orientamento delle api - LifeGate

I pesticidi, anche a basse concentrazioni, intaccano memoria e olfatto delle api - Il Dolomiti

Moria di api: La minaccia arriva dai pesticidi e colpisce l’olfatto - La Voce del Trentino

Reports on our publication on isotopomer odour coding


New buzz around vibrational smell theory - RSC chemistryworld

New evidence for the vibration theory of smell -

L'importanza delle vibrazioni molecolari per gli odori - Le Scienze

Vibrational Smell Theory: We have a nose for it - Chromatography Today

Riechen per Molekülschwingung - Spektrum der Wissenschaften

The Physics and Biology of Olfaction - Evolution News

Reports on our publication on functional lateralization of the bee brain


Il cervello dell'ape è "asimmetrico" - Focus

Cervello api,scoperta asimmetria neuroni - ANSA

Pubblicato oggi dalla rivista Proceedings of the Royal Society B - L'Adigetto

Report on the new convention between the University of Trento and the City of Rovereto, which finances our project "Sostainable strategies against infesting flies: from olfactory perception to a safeguard of small fruits in Trentino"

L’Università a Rovereto: nuovo piano triennale per lo sviluppo - L'Adigetto

The the swiss television channel RSI LA1 visited our lab for a program on "The brain" within their science show "Il giardino di Albert".

Pronti ad apprendere (within the video gallery) features, among other CIMeC projects, also a visit in our laboratories (5:19).

(see exerpt of that video on the left of this site)