
This section lists the major publications realized within the research environment of the Laboratorio Teatrale. These texts usually consist in the proceedings of some conferences.


«Shakespeare off-scene / Shakespeare un-seen»: le scene raccontate nell’iconografia shakespeariana

Authors: Sandra Pietrini, Valeria Tirabasso (edited by)
Publisher: Edizioni di Pagina
Year: 2017
Description: Shakespeare’s plays have inspired a large and diversified figurative documents. Within this vast and varied imagery, a remarkable place have the illustrations of scenes or actions only narrated, evoked or in some ways suggested by the text. This collection of papers aims at raising some issues on the subject, which is the focus of the database  Shakespeariana, carried out by the Laboratorio Teatrale with the support of some Italian institutions, such as the Teatro Massimo di Palermo and the Centro di Documentazione sul Melodramma Europeo della Fondazione Giorgio Cini of Venezia, and the collaboration of several foreign partners.  The database contains many scenes narrated, which can become the starting point for new scientific research, as it is shown in this volume, resulting from an international symposium held in Trento in 2015.

Büchner artista politico

Authors: Enrico Piergiacomi, Sandra Pietrini (edited by)
Publisher: Università degli Studi di Trento.
Year: 2015
Description: Georg Büchner’s short but intense life began as an aspiring revolutionary of the Human Rights Society and ended with the writing of three plays (Dantons Tod, Leonce und Lena, Woyzeck), and an unfinished novel (Lenz). Is this aesthetic change to be interpreted as a departure from the original political instances? Or should it be conceived as a way to continue the revolutionary struggle? The present volume raises this issue to the attention of the reader, collecting some essays on Büchner’s political thought and its aesthetic repercussions. It is the result of a 2013 conference that was dedicated to the subject and which aimed to combine contributions by theatrical artists and international scholars. Beyond the complex facets of Büchner’s political thought, associated with a provocative dramatic originality and a precarious balance between pessimism and determination, what emerges above all is his passionate sincerity and combativeness. As can be seen from his private correspondence, Büchner conceived his activity as a writer as a way to fight “with words and deeds” the enemies “of law and sound reason”, wherever possible. Theatre, social life and political activity are therefore intertwined in his dramatic works and offer us insights that can also illuminate the present.

Picturing drama: illustrazioni e riscritture dei grandi classici, dall'antichità ai nostri giorni

Authors: Sandra Pietrini, Valeria Tirabasso (a cura di)
Publisher: Edizioni dell’Orso
Year: 2013
Description: Since ever the theatre is an art living on the plays of the past, which can revive thanks to stage adaptations but also the iconography inspired by the texts. Only classic drama, such as the plays of the ancient playwrights and Shakespeare, succeeded in giving birth to a rich and varied imagery, which has inspired authors, directors and artists until our times. Shakespeare’s translations, adaptations and rewritings are form of illustrations of a text, transposed in a different medium through the figurative arts. Every new staging or depiction of a ‘classic’ is part of this vast network of textual and visual references, which is enhanced by new hints and suggestions. Exploring the elaborated and complex network of relationships between the arts, and a text and its re-writings, is a challenging purpose, which has been the focus of an international symposium held in Trento in 2013, whose papers are collected in this volume. The essays here contained have a common perspective, that is the extended concept of re-writing, conceived as adaptation, transposition or transcodification of an aesthetic object into another form or artistic technique.