Our research in the Press

Per2Con in the Press

Our new book (in Italian, "Le neuroscienze cognitive", Carocci 2023), a short introductory text to the cognitive neuroscience scientific field (co-authored by Manuela Piazza and Francesco Pavani), was very positively reviewed by an eminent founding father of cognitive science in Italy, professor Paolo Legrenzi, in a recent article of his on the newspaper Il Sole24 Ore. Our book was also highlighted in the Italian Mag of Pop Psychology and Neuroscience Mind - mente & cervello.

If interested, you can buy the book here



-- Our study (Number sense at 12 months predicts 4-year-olds’ maths skills, published in Developmental Science in 2023) indicating that the sense of number (the ability to discriminate sets on the basis of their numerosity) is a reliable longitudinal predictor of early symbolic number processing skills in preschoolers, has been covered by an interview with former Per2Con PhD student Gisella Decarli and published on a web-site hosting a reseat group who recently developed and app for fostering early childhood development of math, visual-spatial, and cognitive abilities.

Check out the interview here:



-- Our research on dyscalculia has been highlighted on the UNITN magazine.

Foto: Adobe Stock

-- Our recent paper: "The neural representation of absolute direction during mental navigation in conceptual spaces", by Viganò, Rubino, Buiatti, & Piazza, published in 2021, in Communications biology4(1), 1-7, was highlighted by:


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