News and Upcoming Events
24 Jan - Euregio Seminar "Fertility in comparative perspective" with R. Rutigliano (Ikerbasque) and T. Nazio (Turin)
Mission and Activities
The CSIS research unit operates in the framework of the general strategies of the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento. Its main objective is the promotion of theoretically driven empirical research, focusing on social inequalities, their relation to institutions and their change over time and across generations.
The research unit is coordinated by Prof. Paolo Barbieri.
We apply a comparative and interdisciplinary approach dealing with the analysis of the distribution and the perception of inequalities in the following fields: welfare, employment and the labour market, families and demography, and education.
We are currently active in the following projects:
- Life Course Longitudinal Laboratory (LC3), a 4-years research programme on advancing life course research
- Trento School of Applied Quantitative Research (TN2), a winter school devoted to early career researchers
- Brown Bag Seminars, with national and international scholars, established in 2010
Selected Recent Publications
Zamberlan, A., Gioachin, F., & Barbieri, P. (2024). Hiring intentions at the intersection of gender, parenthood, and social status. A factorial survey experiment in the UK labour market. European Sociological Review
Alderotti, G., Guetto, R., Barbieri, P., Scherer, S., & Vignoli, D. (2024). Unstable employment careers and (quasi-) completed fertility: evidence from the labour market deregulation in Italy. European Sociological Review
Ferraretto, V., Vitali, A., & Billari, F. C. (2024). Leaving the parental home during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Southern Europe. Advances in Life Course Research
Barbieri, P., Cutuli, G., & Scherer, S. (2024). In-work poverty in Western Europe. A longitudinal perspective. European Societies.