Research projects

Equality of opportunity and social mobility: measures, drivers and impacts
Funded by the Italian Ministry of Research. PRIN 2022.
PI Vito Peragine (Bari), Co-PI Paolo Barbieri (University of Trento)

TEMPO 'The equalizing effect of universal music school programs’ 
Funded by the Italian Ministry of Research. PRIN 2022.
PI Luca Piccoli (University of Trento), Co-PI Lucia Mangiavacchi (University of Perugia)

WelFerPoli ‘Wellbeing and Fertility Policies’
Funded by the Italian Ministry of Research. PRIN PNRR 2022.
PI Agnese Vitali (University of Trento), Co-PI  Raffaele Guetto (University of Florence)

Dynamics of immigrant integration in unemployment, poverty, and segregation 
Funded by Swedish Research Council
PI Siddartha Aradhya (Stockholm University), Co-PiI Raffale Grotti (University of Trento)


Edupol, Education policies that work: A context-sensitive ‘big data’ approach 
Funded by European Research Council (consolidator grants)
PI: Moris Triventi (University of Milan)

Parenting Academia - The productivity of Unitn parents before/during/after the pandemic (2021-2023)
Project funded by University of Trento
Principal investigator: A. Vitali (University of Trento).
Info: The project will study the effects of the pandemic on work productivity, careers and fertility of staff at the University of Trento. Through online questionnaires and analysis of administrative data sources, the project will study eventual penalties linked to gender and parenthood, before, during and after the pandemic. The project will also study if productivity- and career-related penalties are reduced, and if fertility is higher for parents who make use of the University nursery.

Rising inequality and the social insecurity of the middle class: measures, drivers, policies (2019-2021)
Project funded by MIUR PRIN 2017
Principal investigator: C. Ranci (Politecnico di Milano)
Researchers: S. Scherer, P. Barbieri, M. Triventi, G. Cutuli, F. Gioachin (University of Trento)

CRITEVENTS – Critical Life Events and the Dynamics of Inequality (2018-2021)
Project funded by NORFACE Joint Research Programme / Horizon 2020 European Commission
Principal investigator: T. Leopold (University of Cologne)
Researchers: R. Grotti (University of Trento)

Lavoro, Impresa, Welfare nel XXI Secolo (2017-2021)
Project financed by the "Piano Strategico di Ateneo 2017-2021", University of Trento.
Coordinator: P. Barbieri (University of Trento). 

INEQUALITREES - A Novel Look at Socio-Economic Inequalities using Machine Learning Techniques and Integrated Data Sources" (2020-2024)
Project funded under the “Global Issues – Integrating Different Perspectives on Social Inequality” scheme, by Compagnia San Paolo, Volkswagen Stiftung, Novo Nordisk Fonden e Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. 
Principal investigator: M. Triventi (University of Trento). 

Life-Course Dynamics of Educational Tracking (LIFETRACK) (2018-2020)
Project funded by NORFACE DIAL.
Principal investigator: Prof. Steffen Schindler (University Bamberg).
Cooperation Senior Partner: M. Triventi (University of Trento). 

Expansion of Higher Education and Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Latin America
Project funded by WZB Berlin - CIDER Network. 
Researcher: M. Triventi (University of Trento). 

Inequality of opportunity and social mobility: a comparative study
SMIOP 2015/17
Project financed by a SIR grant from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Principal investigator: Patrizio Piraino (University of Cape Town)
Researcher: M. Triventi (University of Trento). 

eduLIFE (Education as a Lifelong Process – Comparing Educational Trajectories in Modern Societies), ERC AdG 2012/16
International project financed by an ERC Advance Grant Research Project. Principal investigator: Prof. Hans-Peter Blossfeld (European University Institute).
Senior Researcher: M. Triventi (University of Trento). 

Appartenenze sociali, credenze sull’istruzione e partecipazione all’università: un esperimento integrato con un’indagine longitudinale.
MIUR PRIN 2010/11
National Coordinator: A. Schizzerotto (University of Trento). 

FamINE - Families of Inequalities
ERC StG-2010
Principal Investigator: S. Scherer (University of Trento). 

Dispersione scolastica e equità sociale
progetto finanziato dall’Agenzia Regionale per la Tecnologia e l'Innovazione della Regione Puglia
Principal Investigator: C. Barone (Sciences Po).