Brown Bag Seminars

The Brown Bag Seminars (BBS) offer an opportunity to share empirical research findings and to confront ideas among colleagues. In particular, the BBS aim to contribute to the debate on the evolution of (social) inequalities – sociology's object of study par excellence – in all its forms in 'post-industrial' societies. We are convinced that a rigorous empirical analysis of social inequality can both contribute to the enhancement of the current scientific debate and to the training of future social scientists. The BBS are open to everyone who is willing to follow two simple rules: presentations are focused on original theory-driven empirical pieces of research, and the discussion is open regardless of academic status.

Previously BBS have been supported by the ERC-project 'FamIne' (Families of Inequalities) which has been incorporated in the CSIS research unit.


 BBS 2023-2024                                                       

2 Nov.

Grandparenting, well-being and cognitive functioning

Valeria Bordone

14  Dec*

Parental homogamy and children’s educational attainment
The participation and inequality in gig economy: evidence from China

Pia Blossfeld (Innsbruck) and Mingming Li (Innsbruck/CEU)

19 Jan*

Gender inequality in employment trajectoriers, later life income, and wealth

Family background and life cycle earnings volatility. Evidence from Evidence from sibling correlations in Denmark, Germany, and the United States

Katja Möhring (Bamberg)

Filippo Gioachin (Trento) 

25 Jan

Family migration and women's occupational attainment over the life course

Nazareno Panichella (Milan)
11 Apr

Educational upgrading and labor market inequality by social origin

Steffen Schindler (Bamberg)
12 Apr*

Re-theorizing sociogenomics research on the gene-by-family socioeconomic status (GxSES) interaction for educational attainment

Trends and cross-national differences in educational homogamy in Europe. The role of educational composition

Gaia Ghirardi (EUI)

Wilfred Uunk (Innsbruck)

9 May Generational trends and predictors of hormonal contraceptive use in Germany: A machine learning approach Theresa Nutz (GESIS)
11 July National Work-Family Policies and Gender Earnings Inequality in 26 OECD Countries, 1999–2019 Jennifer Hook (University of Southern California)

* part of the Ring Seminar on "Education, Family and Employment over the Life-Course" organized in collaboration with the University of Innsbruck and funded by EUREGIO

 BBS 2022-2022                                                       

29 Sept

The Gender-Equality Paradox regarding math intentions.An illusionary paradox?

Wilfred Uunk

13 Oct

Sandwiched life courses. Cross-national patterns and consequences on older people's well being 

Marco Albertini

3 Nov*

Do brother correlations in occupational status and income overlap? Evidence on the common family origins of attainment in the United States and Denmark

Kristian Karlson (Copenaghen)

24 Jan

Towards a better understanding of poverty in the Italian labour market

Giovanni Gallo
(Modena e Reggio Emilia)

23 Feb

Ethnic rent penalties in the German housing market

Tobias Roth
(GESIS Mannheim)

20 Apr*

Maternal free time: a missing element in fertility studies

Ewa Jarosz (Warsaw)

4 May

The link between previous life trajectories and a later-life outcome

Danilo Bolano (Bocconi)

18 May*

How much integration is wanted? A vignette study on outgroup mobility threat (OMT) in Germany

Frank Kalter (Mannheim)

* in collaboration with the Doctoral School of Social Sciences

 BBS 2021-2022                                                       

7 Oct.

Family dissolution process and children smoking behaviour: what has lit the cigarette?

Marta Pasqualini
(Sciences Po)

11 Nov.

Double disadvantage? Between and within country social inequalities and intergenerational transfers

Ariane Bertogg
(University of Konstanz)

8 Mar.*

Lectio Magistralis - Quo Vadis Familia?

Gosta Esping-Andersen

28 Apr.

Presentazione di "La mano invisibile dello stato sociale" (il Mulino)

Emmanuele Pavolini

19 May*

Understanding the 'Why' and 'When' Aspects of Ethnic Discrimination

Katrin Auspurg

20 May*

How to Further Reproducibility and Research Quality in Social Sciences

Katrin Auspurg 
Josef Brüderl (LMU)

26 May

What is Wrong With (Research on) Ability-Tracking

Hartmut Esser

7 Jun.

Learning Loss and Students’ Social Origins During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Italy

Antonio Schizzerotto (IRVAPP/Trento)

* in collaboration with the Doctoral School of Social Sciences

BBS 2020-2021                                                       

1 Oct.

Time, money, and parenthood in the United States: the role of (grand-)parental support 

Roberta Rutigliano
(University of Groningen)

12 Nov.

Temporary employment risk: a comparative study of trends and group distribution in european countries

Jonathan Latner
(University of Bamberg)

21 Jan.*

The impact of minimum wages on teenagers' educational plans 

Silke Anger

18 Feb.

Dividing labor, sharing assets? Dyadic employment biographies and the intra-couple wealth gap in britain and germany 

Theresa Nutz
(Humboldt University)
Davide Gritti
(University of Trento)

11 Mar.*

The reversal of the gender gap in education in Europe: changing gender inequalities, changing families?

Jan Van Bavel
(KU Leuven)

18 Mar.*

Migration, class attainment and social mobility. An analysis of migrants’ socio-economic integration in Italy

Nazareno Panichella
(University of Milan)

15 April

Work-family policies and women’s lifelong learning 

Gundula Zoch
(LifBi - Bamberg)

20 May*

The impact of transversal skills on the labour market: evidence from the semantic analysis of online job postings

Fabio Manca

3 Jun.

Assortative mating and wealth inequalities between and within households: evidence from Germany and the United States

Philipp M. Lersch
(Humboldt University)

10 Jun.*

The enduring impact of NYC's Stop, Question & Frisk Program. Lesson from "Big Data"

Joscha Legewie
(Harvard University)

* in collaboration with the Doctoral School of Social Sciences

 BBS 2019-2020                                                       

17 Oct.*

Breadwinning, main-earning and subjective wellbeing

Agnese Vitali
(University of Trento)

7 Nov.

Persistent inequality at birth. Socioeconomic differences in birth outcomes in three british cohorts

Marco Cozzani 

12 Dec.

Immigration and self-employment in Western Europe

Gabriele Ballarino (University of Milan)

23 Jan.*

Segregation and polarization: two sides of the same coin or not? Insights from computer simulation studies and empirical research

Andreas Flache
(University of Groningen) 

13 Feb.


Trade liberalization and labor market institutions 


Arlo Poletti
(University of Trento)
Mattia Guidi
(Siena University)

26 Mar.

Women’s relative resources and couples’ gender balance in financial decision making in europe 

Jan Van Bavel
(KU Leuven)

3 Apr.

What determines voting behaviors of Muslim minorities in Europe: Muslim identity or left-right ideology? 

Marc Swyngedouw
(KU Leuven)

6 Apr.

Ethnic educational inequalities 

Karen Phalet
(KU Leuven)

21 May*

Ethnic diversity and social integration 

Frank Kalter
(Mannheim University)

4 Jun.

Does schooling affect social inequality in achievement? New evidence from a causal design 

Giampiero Passaretta

*  in collaboration with the Doctoral School of Social Sciences

 BBS 2018-2019                                                       

27 Sept.

Transitioning toward more equality? Wealth gender differences and the changing role of explanatory factors over time 

Daniela Piazzalunga (Verona)

17 Oct.

Intergenerational Occupational Reproduction in Comparative Perspective: Cross-sectional and Over-time Variations in 56 Societies 

Harry Ganzeboom (Amsterdam)

8 Nov.

Care Availability and Matthew Effect 

Emmanuele Pavolini (Macerata)

4 Dec.

Returns to education from different perspectives. Macro determinants, micro mechanisms, and unconventional educational pathways in the trasition/s from school to work

Simone Virdia (Trento)

21 Feb.

Educational Inequality and Educational Transitions  

Juho Härkönen  (EUI)

20 Mar.

Complex Contagions and the Diffusion of Innovations: Evidence from a Small-N Study.

Gianluca Manzo (CNRS/Paris-Sorbonne) 

11 Apr.

Science under siege? Modern-day discontents and the public legitimacy of science 

Peter Achterberg (Tilburg)

23 May

Fertility Drain or Fertility Gain? The Effect of Emigration on Fertility in Italian Provinces during the Great Recession

Nicoletta Balbo (Bocconi)

6 Jun.

No evidence of discrimination against women in peer review in 145 scholarly journals

Flaminio Squazzoni (Milan)

13 Jun.

Parental separation and child wellbeing: addressing different separation scenarios

Raffaele Grotti  (EUI)

 BBS 2017-2018                                                       

12 Oct.

Geographical mobility and occupational achievement in contemporary Italy.

Gabriele Ballarino
Nazareno Panichella (Milan)

19 Oct.

Race and Stratification in U.S. College Enrollment over Time. 

Daniel Klasik (George Washington)

Nov 10*

Less State, more Family? Restructuring long-term care policies in northern Europe and intergenerational solidarity. 

Barbara Da Roit (Ca' Foscari)

8 Feb.

Does Mobility Affect Child Development? A Comparative Study of Pre-school Children in the UK and the US. 

Ludovica Gambaro (DIW)

15 Feb.

Is Cultural Participation a Positional Good?

Tally Katz-Gerro (Manchester)

15 Feb.


Economic Integration and Electoral Outcomes in Italy


Mauro Caselli
Andrea Fracasso
Silvio Traverso (Trento)

8 Mar.

A new tool for old questions: The Sequence-Analysis Multistate Model procedure for estimating the relationship between time-varying covariates and trajectories 

Emanuela Struffolino (WZB)

22 Mar.

Book presentation - "La famiglia è in crisi" FALSO! 

Maria Castiglioni
Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna (Padova)

22 Mar.

Family, Firms, and Fertility: A study of Network effects

Henriette Engelhardt-Woelfler (Bamberg)

5 Apr.

Is Italian sociology still in the doldrums? La produzione scienitifica dei sociologi italiani nelle due VQR 

Emilio Reyneri (Bicocca)

17 May 

The Effect of Multigrade Classes on Cognitive and non- Cognitive Skills. Causal Evidence Exploiting Minimum Class Size Rules in Italy

Maria De Paola (Calabria)

31 May 

Student Loan Debt and Riskiness: Consequences for Later Life Transitions 

Anna Manzoni (Carolina State)

7 Jun.

Employment Protection Legislation and Mismatch: Evidence from a Reform 

Fabio Berton
Francesco Devicienti (Turin)

 BBS 2016-2017                                                       

5 Oct.*

Deviations from normative family trajectories and life satisfaction at older ages

Bruno Arpino (UPF)

3 Nov.


Determinants and trends of in-work poverty in a Southern European context. A longitudinal analysis

Paolo Barbieri
Giorgio Cutuli (Trento)

12 Dec.*

Educational Reproduction: A Prospective Approach 

Richard Breen (Oxford)

2 Mar.

The generation gap: a cohort analysis of earnings levels, dispersion  and initial labor market conditions in Italy, 1974-2014 

Alfonso Rosolia (Banca d'Italia)

31 Mar.

The motherhood wage gap and discrimination: Swiss evidence from  panel data and a factorial survey experiment 

Daniel Oesch (Lausanne)

3 Apr.

Does genetic influence on education change across neighbourhood? 

Nicola Barban (Oxford)

4 May

Gender effects in research evaluation 

Roberto Torrini (Banca d'Italia)

9 Jun.

Does gender trump family ties? Intra-couple and inter-siblings sharings of caring responsibilities for elderly parents and in-laws 

Tiziana Nazio (Turin)

 BBS 2015-2016                                                       

22 Oct.

Changes in the Satisfaction of Cohabitors relative to Spouses over time

Daniele Vignoli (Florence)

5 Nov.

Cosmologies of Destinations: Roots and routes of Eritrean forced migrants towards Europe 

Milena Belloni (Trento)

16 Dec.

Una mappatura delle disuguaglianze sociali nell'istruzione. L'Italia in prospettiva comparata

Moris Triventi (EUI)

4 Feb.

Intergenerational mobility in the very long run: Florence 1427-2011 

Sauro Mocetti (Banca d'Italia)

3 Mar.


Early and late career trajectories in the Netherlands


Maarten Wolbers
Mark Visser  (ITS, Radboud University)

14 Apr.

The Euro are wage distribution over the crisis

Alfonso Rosolia
(Banca d'Italia)

5 May

Presentation of the book "Capitalismi a confronto. Istituzioni e regolazione dell'economia nei paesi europei" 

Luigi Burroni

09 Jun.

What Future for the Eurozone? 

Ton Notermans

29 Jun.


Parental Support During The Transition to Adulthood


Anna Manzoni
(Carolina State)

 BBS 2014-2015                                                       

9 Oct.

The Effects of 9/11 on Attitudes Toward Immigration and the Moderating Role of Education (Teachers' Room at the first floor)

Simone Schüller (IRVAPP)

6 Nov.

Italian workers careers by educational attainments: new evidences from AD-SILC

Michele Raitano (Rome)

4 Dec.

The consequences of union dissolution for employment in Italy and the United States 

Michele Lugo
Paolo Barbieri (Trento)

22 Jan.

Economic crisis, welfare-labour market arrangements and unemployment in Europe

Paolo Barbieri
Giorgio Cutuli (Trento)

5 Feb.

The Bologna Process in Italy. A reassessment of its influences on university enrolments and inequalities of educational opportunities

Antonio Schizzerotto (Trento/IRVAPP)
Loris Vergolini (IRVAPP)

16 Apr.

Do information contacts increase labor market inequality? Social ties, job access and wages for the unemployed

Daniel Oesch (Lausanne)

7 May

"You are not meant for it". An ethnography on middle school teachers' guidance practices

Marco Romito (Milan)

4 Jun.

Is education the great equalizer? Family background, education and occupational attainment in comparative perspective

Gabriele Ballarino (Milan)

 BBS 2013-2014                                                       

19 Sep.

Expansion of schooling and educational inequality in Europe

Francesco Scervini (Turin)
Elena Meschi (Ca' Foscari)

7 Nov.

The incorporation of immigrants in the receiving labour market. Usual and innovative ways of analysis for the Italian case

Emilio Reyneri
Giovanna Fullin (Bicocca) 

12 Dec.

Couple inequalities in time devoted to paid and unpaid work. The role of unobserved gender motivation.

Alvaro Martinez-Perez 

9 Jan.

Perceived fairness and the gendered division of labour: some preliminary findings from an experimental vignette design

Renzo Carriero
Lorenzo Todesco (Turin)

 6 Feb.

Education and fertility in a cross-national context

Ross Macmillan (Bocconi) 

 27 Mar.

Comparative policy perspectives of happiness and parenthood
STARTS: 1pm 

Letizia Mencarini (Turin)

3 April

Discussing the concept of Integration: Towards an Interactive, Multidimensional and Dinamic Process Conceptualization 

Marc Swyngedouw (Leuven)

22 May

Education and Social Mobility in Italy in the XXth century

Carlo Barone
Raffaele Guetto (Trento)

5 Jun.

Only a vocation? Labor market opportunities, occupational choices and the quality of the teaching workforce

Gianluca Argentin (Bicocca)

 BBS 2012-2013                                                       

13 Sep.*

Inequality reduction through vocational paths? 

Steffen Schindler (HIS/Hannover)

4 Oct.


De-commodification and de-familisation in western Europe: 
a reassessment through the living standard approach


Federico Podesta' (OPES)
Sonia Marzadro (OPES)

8 Nov.


Divorce in multiple equilibria - an application to Germany 


Daniela Bellani
Gosta Esping-Andersen (UPF)

6 Dec.


Secularization or religious revival? Measuring church attendance trend in Italy using multilevel analysis

Ferruccio Biolcati Rinaldi (Milan)
Cristiano Vezzoni (Trento)

 17 Jan.

Employment regimes, labour market dualism and inequality in Europe

Paolo Barbieri
Giorgio Cutuli  (Trento)

 7 Feb.

Is Fertility in the Genes?
Unravelling gene-environment interactions and fertility

Nicola Barban (Groningen)

 7 Mar.

Social-origin inequalities in educational careers in Italy. Performance or decision effects?

Dalit Contini
Andrea Scagni (Turin)

4  Apr.

Insegnare a insegnare? La valutazione di due politiche formative per insegnanti di scuola media

Giovanni Abbiati (Milan)

6 Jun.

Early career patterns in Italy: a cross-cohort comparison

Emanuela Struffolino (Bicocca)

 BBS 2011-2012                                                       

15 Sep.

Inequality of opportunity for young people in Italy: understanding the role of circumstances 

Gabriella Berloffa
Francesca Modena
Paola Villa (Trento)

21 Oct.


The European Values Study 1981-2008: four waves of comparative research. What can we learn from it and how can we use the data on the micro and macro level 

Ruud Luijkxs (Tilburg)


3 Nov.


Educational achievement gaps between immigrants and native students in two “new immigration countries”: Italy and Spain in comparison

Davide Azzolini (Trento) 
Philipp Schnell (Vienna)
John Palmer (Princenton)

1 Dec.

Sono razionali gli attentatori suicidi? 

Domenico Tosini (Trento)

19 Jan.


Institutional reforms and educational attainment in europe: a lung run perspective

Michela Braga (Milan)
Daniele Checchi (Milan)
Elena Meschi (Ca' Foscari)

2 Feb.

Does the gender wage gap grow through the early career?

Leen Vandecasteele (EUI)

1 Mar.

The weight of the genetic and environmental dimensions in the inter-generational transmission of educational success

Mario Lucchini (Milan-Bicocca)
Sara Della Bella (Trento)

16 Mar.



Presentazione del rapporto sulla scuola in italia 2011 della fondazione agnelli


Stefano Molina
Gianfranco De Simone (Fondazione Agnelli)

12 Apr.

Much ado about nothing: threat of grade retention and education reforms in Italy 

Erich Battistin
Ilaria Covizzi
Antonio Schizzerotto (IRVAPP)

3 May

How far is the capital city? Geographical remoteness as an element of the centre-periphery cleavage, and its impact on individual vote choice 

Lorenzo De Sio (LUISS)
Cristiano Vezzoni (Trento)

7 Jun.

And their children after them? Estimating the effect of college on educational reproduction

Richard Breen (Yale)

 BBS 2010-2011                                                       

4 Nov.

Povertà e deprivazione in europa

Sabrina Carrossa (Trento)

2 Dec.

Geographic mobility and reproductive choices of italian men

Raffaele Guetto (Trento)
Nazareno Panichella (Milan)

13 Jan.

The two last decades of inequality trends in italy: the changing structure of inequality and the “losing generation”

Marco Albertini (Bologna)

10 Feb.

Divisione del lavoro domestico e percezione di giustizia: il ruolo dei confronti interpresonali, un modello di simulazione

Renzo Carrieri (Turin)

3 Mar.

Educational expansion, equality of opportunity and credential inflation: a comparative analysis

Gabriele Ballarino (Milan)
Fabrizio Bernardi (EUI)

7 Apr.

Intergenerational and intragenerational social mobility in a micro-class perspective

Reinhand Pollak (WZB)

5 May


Il gioco d’azzardo: l’iniquità di una tassa volontaria. La relazione tra condizioni socio-economiche, partecipazione e spesa nei giochi tra le famiglie italiane, 1999-2009.

Moris Triventi (Milan-Bicocca) 
Simone Sarti (Milan)

9 Jun.

I trasferimenti finanziari a favore degli studenti universitari: una valutazione d’impatto

Loris Vergolini and Nadir Zanini (IRVAPP)